Why Choose Dr. Raj Ahluwalia as your Knee Surgeon?

What to consider when selecting the best knee surgeon to lead you through the surgery process.

Dr. Raj Ahluwalia is one of Los Angeles’s top orthopedic surgeons for knee surgery. Double board-certified in both orthopedic surgery and sports medicine, he is an orthopedic specialist with Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles.

Dr. Raj Ahluwalia completed a Harvard fellowship specifically in knee surgery – making him uniquely qualified to perform your knee surgery.

Dr. Raj Ahluwalia is experienced with the most advanced, minimally-invasive arthroscopic surgical techniques to manage knee conditions and has performed a wide variety of procedures to treat knee pain.

Experiencing knee pain? Consider seeing a knee surgeon.

The knee is the largest joint in the body and it bears a significant amount of weight, making it especially prone to injury and pain. Whether due to injury or degenerative disease, knee pain is a common and sometimes crippling condition. If you’ve experienced a knee injury or have a knee condition like those listed here, it may be time to make an appointment with an orthopedic knee surgeon to review your treatment options:

Reasons to Seek Out Treatment

  • Ligament, tendon, or meniscus injuries
  • Arthritis
  • Mechanical problems

Knee pain can strike all at once or develop gradually over a period of time. While knee pain is common in middle age, it can also occur in children and teens. Fortunately, Dr. Rah Ahluwalia offers a number of procedures and treatments to reduce and eliminate your knee pain.

Conditions Treated with Knee Surgery in Los Angeles

Of all the joints in the body, the knee is the largest. It connects the upper leg to the lower with a combination of bone, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. The bones of the knee are cushioned by two cartilage discs called meniscus, while the bone surfaces inside the knee are covered with a different kind of shock absorbing cartilage. Damage to the knee can affect any one of these areas.

Surgeries for the following common knee injuries and conditions are performed in our Los Angeles & Van Nuys location:

Knee Surgery for Ligament, Tendon or Meniscus Injuries

Common ligament, tendon, and meniscus injuries include ACL tears, meniscus tears, patellar tendinitis, and knee bursitis.

ACL TEARS are injuries that affect the anterior cruciate ligament in the center of the knee. These are common among those who play sports that require cutting and jumping such as basketball, soccer, and football.

MENISCUS TEARS are tears that occur in the shock absorbing cartilage that rests between the shinbone and thighbone. Tears often happen due to twisting of the knee.

PATELLAR TENDINITIS occurs when inflammation affects the tendons that attach muscle and bone in the knee. This is common among runners and athletes who do a lot of jumping.

Knee Surgery for Arthritis

Arthritis is another common cause of knee problems. While there are a number of types of arthritis that can cause knee pain, the most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

OSTEOARTHRITIS is a condition that occurs due to the natural process of aging. It causes the cartilage to deteriorate and the bones to rub together. It is most common in those who are older, obese, have previous injuries, or have a genetic predisposition to the disease.

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS is an autoimmune disease that affects the joints and causes painful swelling. Autoimmune diseases occur when the body’s immune system attacks it’s own tissues.

Knee Surgery for Mechanical Problems

Mechanical problems are problems that occur in the body due to issues such as dislocation and cartilage or bone breaking off and inferring with the joint.

Contact Dr. Raj Ahluwalia, an expert knee surgeon in Los Angeles & Van Nuys. Virtual & In-Person appointments available.


Knee Surgeries offered at our Los Angeles & Van Nuys location

ACL Reconstruction Surgery

About ACL Reconstruction Surgery

Injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is amongst the most common injuries involving the knee joint. It is estimated that close to 400,000 ACL injuries occur in the United States each year. These injuries, which include partial or complete tears, usually occur during athletic activity when a person stops suddenly or there is a change in direction while running or pivoting. Injury to the ACL can also result from car accidents or from work related injuries. Injury to the ACL can be associated with a feeling of a “pop” in the knee. This can be followed by pain and significant swelling in the knee joint.

The ACL is one of the main stabilizing ligaments in the knee. In most younger patients who sustain an ACL tear, it is recommended that they undergo surgical reconstruction. Untreated ACL injuries in younger patient, can lead to a chronically unstable knee and in some instances can cause meniscus tearing and arthritis.

In older adults, who are not very active, physical therapy, along with bracing for certain activities and lifestyle modifications can be used to treat the tear.

ACL Reconstruction Surgery – Dr. Ahluwalia’s Process

The treatment of choice for ACL injuries may be surgical or non surgical. Dr. Ahluwalia will assess your particular situation and work together with you to make this decision. If a decision for surgery is made, an ACL reconstruction is typically recommended. In many cases a meniscus injury can also be found on the MRI and will be treated at the same time as the ACL surgery. Most board-certified orthopedic surgeons use arthroscopic surgery rather than open surgery for ACL injuries. Dr. Ahluwalia will typically use either your own tissues as a graft for the new ACL (autograft) or use cadaveric tissue (allograft).

What Happens After ACL Reconstruction Surgery?

A typical ACL surgery will last about 1 hour. You will go home the same day. Dr. Ahluwalia will put you in a post op knee brace to protect the new ligament. You can usually put your full weight immediately after surgery. To help you walk, you will typically use crutches for a period of 1-2 weeks. An intense rehab program is typically required to recover from this surgery.  A return to sports typically happens after 9-12 months after surgery.

Total Knee Replacement Surgery

About Total Knee Replacement Surgery

The knee joint is made up of three bone-the femur bone (thigh bone) and tibia bone (shin bone) and patella (knee cap). In a normal knee joint, there is shiny and smooth articular cartilage that covers the end of the bones. The cartilage allows the knee the move without frictions and pain.  With aging, the articular cartilage can break down over time (can undergo “wear and tear”).  This is what is called osteoarthritis-the most common form of arthritis. Typical features of osteoarthritis can include:

  • Pain
  • May be present in the morning. Also noticeable when getting up from a seated position
  • Weather changes can bring on pain (rainy weather or cold weather can makes pain worse)
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling

Total Knee Replacement Surgery – Dr. Ahluwalia’s Process

During your first visit, Dr. Ahluwalia will examine your knee and go over imaging studies (xrays and MRI of the knee). Typically the first line of treatment for knee osteoarthritis is physical therapy, cortisone injections, anti inflammatory medications, brace wear, joint supplements, assistive devices (for example cane) and weight loss (if indicated). Dr. Ahluwalia may also discuss other types of injections. If you have tried all these treatment modalities and if your arthritis is severe, then you may be a candidate for a total knee replacement procedure.

In a total knee replacement procedure, diseased cartilage is removed and replaced with metal prostheses. There is a “plastic” spacer in between the metal components. This surgery is remarkably effective in relieving the pain. It typically takes less than 2 hours for the surgery.

What Happens After Total Knee Replacement Surgery?

Dr. Ahluwalia uses the latest minimally invasive muscle sparing techniques so that you experience less pain after surgery and have a quick recovery. You may have a 1-2 day hospital stay after which you will be sent home with home services. A typical recovery can take between 2-3 months.

Am I a Candidate for ACL Reconstruction or Total Knee Replacement?

To determine if knee surgery is the right fit for you, meet with an orthopedic surgeon to determine if surgery is an appropriate option. Many people with serious partial and complete ACL tears are a good fit for ACL reconstruction surgery, including:

  • Athletes who desire to return to their sport
  • Adults who are highly active
  • People whose job requires a high level of physical activity
  • When nonsurgical management hasn’t worked to reduce or eliminate pain

Whether an individual is a good candidate for total knee replacement surgery is a decision best left to an orthopedic surgeon. Factors to consider include medical history, level of knee pain and ability to function, along with other exams, tests, and/or x-rays.

A total knee replacement may not be for everyone. Dr. Ahluwalia will consult with you to determine if you would be a good candidate for this procedure.

Questions about your knee condition & knee surgery options?

Contact us for answers.